UCSD Emerita Professor of Philosophy Patricia Smith Churchland is now writing a blog hosted by
Psychology Today:
She has already posted on "Brain Scans and Brain Scams", "Criminal Genes and Criminal Brains", and "Bare Naked Philosophy". I'll refrain from trying to summarize any of these-- but do check it out!
See also her profile
Patricia Smith Churchland, B. Phil
Patricia Smith Churchland is emerita Professor of Philosophy at UCSD and an adjunct professor at the Salk Institute. She has a B. A. from the University of British Columbia, an M. A. from the University of Pittsburgh, and a B. Phil. from the University of Oxford. Her curiosity about the philosophical implications of advances in brain science matured when she was a junior professor at the University of Manitoba in Canada. Aided by a Woodrow Wilson Faculty Development Grant (1975-76), she studied neurology at the University of Manitoba Medical School, and learned basic neuroscience in the Jordan spinal cord lab. She and her colleague-husband, Paul Churchland, came to the University of California, San Diego in 1984, where she pioneered the subfield of neurophilosophy. Extended interviews can be found on The Science Network www.tsn.org and philosophybites.com. See also February 2007 for a lengthy article (Two Heads) in The New Yorker by Larissa MacFarquar. Pat Churchland has been president of the American Philosophical Association (Pacific Division) and the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, and won a MacArthur Fellowship in 1991. She is the author of
Touching a Nerve: The Self as Brain.
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